PA Supreme Court Decision on “Household Vehicle” Exclusion On January 23, 2019, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court struck down the “household vehicle” exclusion that had been present in many auto insurance policies. This exclusion was commonly used by insurance companies to deny uninsured motorist (UM) benefits and underinsured motorist benefits (UIM) to insureds who had paid […]
1 Simple Example of the Importance of Early Attorney Representation Following an Auto Accident
You’ve just had an auto accident and go to the emergency room the next day. You provide your regular health insurance information, pay your co-pay and get treatment. You don’t improve, so you go to your family doctor and your regular insurance gets billed and pays. You incur another co-payment. Your family doctor sends you […]
Auto Wage Loss Benefits for Employees that Drive for Work
Auto Wage Loss Benefits If you drive from place to place for your job, strongly consider electing wage loss benefits under your personal auto insurance policy. At one time, everyone in Pennsylvania had to cover themselves with a minimum of $5,000.00 in wage loss benefits. However, that is no longer the case and you must […]
Three Common Auto Insurance Questions
Navigating the world of auto insurance in Pennsylvania can be complex, but it’s crucial to understand the coverage required under the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law (PMVFRL). From liability limits to first-party medical benefits and property damage coverage, knowing the ins and outs of your policy can make all the difference in protecting yourself […]
3 Things You Should Know About Auto First Party Wage Loss Benefits
1. What Are First Party Benefits? When the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law (PMVFRL) first became the law in Pennsylvania, everyone was required to carry $10,000.00 in first party medical benefits and $5,000.00 of first party wage loss benefits. This changed some time ago and now you are only required by law to carry […]